Less Time Taking Attendance

This application was created for use by the Conestoga Salseros club to replace the paper attendance system, which was causing long line-ups at the beginning of class, as students tediously filled in an attendance form. The primary goal of this project was to allow members to sign in to the attendance list in a fast and seamless way.

Members of the school club dancing salsa.

A faster way to sign in.

The greatest challenge in developing this system was an unexpected one: language. Over the past few years, Conestoga College’s international student population had grown substantially, and now represented a large portion of our membership. Many of these students came from India or Pakistan, and spoke English as a second or third language.

This was an accessibility problem, and the solution was not more instructions, but a minimal interface and simpler language. By making these changes, the sign in time for all members dropped by 50%.

Minimal information required.

Signing up the first time is always the slowest step. We minimized that problem by auto-generating the derivative information, such as a student email. All other unessential information was kept out of the way. This allowed new members to sign up in minimal time.

Currently available for hire.

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